October 30, 2006

a day with the kids

Before I became a missionary, I wanted to be a teacher.

Every now and then, I still get an itch to be with the kids.

Today, Ben and I were invited to speak at the weekly chapel at Mukaiyama kindergarten. Ben told the parable of the Wise Man & Foolish Man to the four year olds, skillfully applying his humor to grab their attention. Kimura-sensei (the principal) told the story of Jesus calling his first disciples to the three year olds. I shared the story of Jesus & Zaccheus to the five year olds.

All over - inside and out - I just felt radiant being with them. When I am with them, I feel a part of me come alive that usually lies dormant. They are such little people, but they are so bright. Some wave madly, recognizing the foreign faces that have visited their classrooms before. The bolder ones run up and hug us or give us high-fives, or ask funny questions like, "Why is your tummy so big? Why are your cheeks so red? Why do you wear glasses? What's your favorite toy?" and so on. Some just stare because it's someone new in their "world". Some shyly hide behind another friend, hoping we'll let them watch from a distance. Some bossily tell others when it's not time to sing or when to stand up. Others need a little "guidance" in how to sit properly in their seat.

I just love to enter their world and be fully present with them.

Mukaiyama has a unique approach and excellent program for their children. To see their website, or to read about their philosophy, please go to the following addresses: http://www.mukaiyama.ac.jp or http://www.tree.or.jp/kohituji/kokusai/english/index.html

1 comment:

Campbell Family said...

Joel -- It is so good to see an update. I so enjoy reading your reflections and insights and keeping connected with what is going on over in your neck of the woods. One of my biggest regrets about leaving Japan so suddenly was that we never got a chance to come up and visit with you and see the work in Sendai. Anyway, just wanted to let you know -- I'm still reading. Blessings -- Laura (and Rusty and Alex)