December 16, 2006

i wonder...

This morning, I ate breakfast at St. Marc's with Gaku, one of my closest friends in Japan. It was a great morning - good food, good background music, good company and conversation...even the weather was nice in the morning time.

Gaku asked me about my blog (which reminded me of two things: a) it's time for another entry, and b) I need to explain why I chose this name for my blog), and through that question, we began a much deeper conversation. We talked about many things including the meaning of life and death, afterlife, worship, the meaning and purpose of the seasonal cycle, creation and evolution. I also shared one of my favorite biographical stories about a missionary family who left Africa with no known conversions and had experienced incredible hardship and loss of life. Years later, a daughter went back to Africa when she was an older woman to see that place again and met an older man who told her that when he was a little boy, he had been taught and cared for by her mother. Some years after their family had left, he became a Christian, and was used by God to convert his entire village.

Anyway, around the same time this deeper conversation began, a couple came to the restaurant and were seated at the table beside us. I know that they were eavesdropping on our conversation - especially the husband. I always wonder what God will do with that.

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