January 07, 2008

my first undeveloped thoughts for 2008

"The heavens declare your glory..."

I still haven't figured out what it is.

That is, I haven't answered the deeper question of why I'm so drawn to God's holiness. Any song that dwells on who He is, why He's deserving of praise, and specifically His unique holiness speaks to me on a deeper level.

I overheard my sister-in-law comment to my mother that she thinks God anointed me with a heart of worship.

In the background is my new favourite CD by the University of Toronto Gospel Choir, "Send Me", and beside me is the book I'm currently digesting, "Emerging Worship: Creating Worship Gatherings for New Generations" by Dan Kimball. Last night, Debi, Sasha, Akira and I attended a worship gathering for English speakers in Sendai...and ever since, I have felt as if God's presence was tangible.

Do you ever have those moments where worship not only transforms you, but brings you to a new depth in seeking His holiness and becoming more intimate with him?

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